Meeting Das bcd-Wiedersehen 2.0?

Dieses Thema im Forum "becrafted News" wurde erstellt von DerPfitze, 01.06.21.


Passt Dir der Tag?

  1. Ja man! Mashallah Freitag, ich bin am Start! 1 in den Chat!

  2. Nein man! Freitag muss ich los, lieber Samstag!

  3. Ne, das Wochenende ist generell Schmutz, ich schau so mal vorbei, wenn jemand da ist.

    0 Stimme(n)
  1. DerPfitze

    DerPfitze becrafted Team Vip Governor

    Hallo zusammen,

    einst im April 2020 habe ich den Versuch gestartet, für ein paar Tage den Server wiederzubeleben und tatsächlich waren ein paar von euch für sogar grob 6 Wochen wieder recht aktiv.

    Jetzt war es eine kleine Gruppe um Jasmin aka. MinchenBienchen, welche die Idee in den Raum geworfen hat, mal wieder einen Aufruf zu wagen.

    In ihrem Namen rufe ich euch nun also auf:

    Vielleicht catcht es den Einen oder Anderen von euch, ein wenig die Nostalgie aufleben zu lassen und mal wieder einen Abend + X vorbei zu schauen.
    Unser Vorschlag wäre wieder einen festen Abend auszumachen, an dem hoffentlich Viele vorbei schauen. Vielleicht sieht man auch jemanden schon vor- oder nach dem Stichtag.

    Angesetzt wäre der Freitag, 11.06, abends grob um 20 Uhr. Reagiert gerne auf die sprachlich an den aktuellen Wortschatz der Jugend angepasste Umfrage (damit alle es verstehen ;)), die ich an den Beitrag gehängt habe!

    Schreibt wie gesagt auch sehr gerne, was ihr davon haltet!

    Wir freuen uns auf eure Rückmeldungen,


    und danke an Mine für den Anstoß!
  2. Diantina

    Diantina Vip

    Da bin ich doch gerne dabei.
  3. BoyDarki

    BoyDarki Vip Governor

    MC-Passwort vergessen und zurücksetzen nicht möglich (kompliziert :confused:). Lang ist's her.

    Viel Spaß! ;)
  4. DerPfitze

    DerPfitze becrafted Team Vip Governor

    Haben leider bislang nicht wirklich großartig Rückmeldungen bekommen.
    Generell, rein von den Aufrufen meines Post merkt man dass auch die Aktivität der Leute, ab und zu mal ins Forum zu gucken, sehr abgenommen hat.

    Bleibt daher leider abzuwarten, inwiefern der Aufruf heute Abend angenommen wird.

    Sonst, wenn das jetzt heute Abend nicht unbedingt so schallert wie letztes Mal, schaut einfach öfter mal ins Forum oder auf den Server, vielleicht ist jemand online... Gesellt euch zusammen...
    @Tonji666 habe ich oft online gesehen, auch @Mr_k3nn1 war abends mal da, ich war die Tage auch online.

    Denn ist einer Online, denkt sich vielleicht ein Zweiter 'Huch, ja da guck ich mal rein'. Dann sind zwei Online, was wiederum vielleicht einen Dritten, Vierten motiviert.
    Möglicherweise kriegen wir so ab und zu ein paar Spieler zusammen.
    Smaragd_ gefällt dies.
  5. Jamesfreks

    Jamesfreks Crafter

    It's okay, I took slippers with me. But now I can walk around the house in socks, because I need to find them.
    - Don't work like that, I'm just not a fan. But do not be discouraged, I know how to help the situation. I myself will give you a shouting.
    He did a good job, as having felt the situation, he began to do everything slowly and gently. Galchonok closed her eyes and just held my hand. I, as if spellbound, looked at Max's cock, which was part of her. Everything went great, we were completely liberated, and began to change places in turn, tried different poses, both from above and below, and cancer and sideways. All three were very active, Galchonok moved like when she was young, I was at the peak of delight ... They all finished at the same time ...
    Oksana went to the bar, she sat on a chair looking at him.
    continue reading.. Genka immediately slapped her in her pussy, and she began to masturbate us. Then Lianka got cancerous and we took it in turns to shoot her in her pussy and mouth at the same time. While Lech planted her in her pussy, Lianka licked all my balls and gave me a cool blowjob. Then she asked Genka to lie down and sat on his penis with her ass. Having jumped on it a little, she spread her legs and asked me to insert it into her vagina, and Lech fucked her in her mouth.
    Wow, it's dangerous to drink with you. You'll still get into bed.
    Finally she took my dick in her mouth and began to suck it diligently. I continued to praise her, stating that she was doing everything very well. Although she painfully dug her teeth into my trunk and head. But the brunette was so carried away by the process that I did not want to stop her. I just kept praising her. After a couple of minutes, she pulled away from my cock and looked at me panting. Her breath seemed to take my cock in her mouth to the very balls, although she sucked it a little further than the head. But for the first time and it was not bad. I pushed her back and kneeling down put the brunette's legs on my shoulders. She was wearing beautiful black panties. Apparently she was expecting how the evening at the strip club might end. Taking off her panties, I ran my tongue over the girl's pussy. The brunette immediately groaned. Her moans intensified when I began to greedily and passionately lick her vagina, penetrating the tongue deep into the middle and lightly biting her clitoris. She was already very wet. She moaned loudly at my touch. A few minutes later, I straightened up, attaching my cock to her vagina. Through groans and heavy breathing, she tried to ask me for something, apparently to put on a condom. But I realized that this brunette is a real bitch who needs hard sex. I quickly introduced my cock into her almost the entire length. Slightly rising, I lifted her legs high.
    Ahah, well, you'd be kind enough to prepare for my classes.
    Otherwise, our car will forever stand in the parking lot, and we will choke on the bus.
    DerPfitze gefällt dies.

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